because of the higher authorities they
Slide 27
Hospitality vs. Loneliness
Cheerfully sharing food, shelter, or
conversation to benefit others
Slide 28
Humility vs. Pride
Acknowledging that my achievement
results from the investment of others in
my life
Slide 29
Initiative vs. Idleness
Recognizing and doing what needs to
be done before I am asked to do it
Slide 30
Joyfulness vs. Self-pity
Maintaining a good attitude, even when
faced with unpleasant conditions
Slide 31
Justice vs. Corruption
Taking personal responsibility to uphold
what is pure, right, and true
Slide 32
Loyalty vs. Unfaithfulness
Using difficult times to demonstrate my
commitment to those I serve
Slide 33
Meekness vs. Anger
Yielding my personal rights and
expectations with a desire to serve
Slide 34
Obedience vs. Willfulness
Quickly and cheerfully carrying out the
direction of those who are responsible
for me
Slide 35
Orderliness vs. Confusion
Arranging myself and my surroundings
to achieve greater efficiency
Slide 36
Patience vs. Restlessness
Accepting a difficult situation without
giving a deadline to remove it
Slide 37
Persuasiveness vs. Contentiousness
Guiding vital truths around another’s
mental roadblocks
Slide 38
Punctuality vs. Tardiness
Showing esteem for others by doing
the right thing at the right time
Slide 39
Resourcefulness vs. Wastefulness
Finding practical uses for that which