Slide 14
Determination vs. Faintheartedness
Purposing to accomplish right goals at
the right time, regardless of the
Slide 15
Diligence vs. Slothfulness
Investing my time and energy to
complete each task assigned to me
Slide 16
Discernment vs. Shortsightedness
Understanding the deeper reasons why
things happen
Slide 17
Discretion vs. Simplemindedness
Recognizing and avoiding words,
actions, and attitudes that could bring
undesirable consequences
Slide 18
Endurance vs. Discouragement
The inward strength to withstand stress
and do my best
Slide 19
Enthusiasm vs. Apathy
Expressing joy in each task as I give it
my best effort
Slide 20
Faith vs. Presumption
Confidence that actions rooted in good
character will yield the best outcome,
even when I cannot see how
Slide 21
Flexibility vs. Resistance
Willingness to change plans or ideas
according to the direction of my
Slide 22
Forgiveness vs. Rejection
Clearing the record of those who have
wronged me and not holding a grudge
Slide 23
Generosity vs. Stinginess
Carefully managing my resources so I
can freely give to those in need
Slide 24
Gentleness vs. Harshness
Showing consideration and personal
concern for others
Slide 25
Gratefulness vs. Unthankfulness
Letting others know by my words and
actions how they have benefited my life
Slide 26
Honor vs. Disrespect
Respecting those in leadership