A black hole is formed if enough of this dense matter is left behind after a supernova explosion then the gravitational field is so strong that nothing can escape not even light.
Scientists know they exist using x-rays
Slide 15
Black Holes
Slide 16
Slide 17
Slide 18
Black Holes
The intense gravitational field left when a giant star collapses
Slide 19
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Slide 23
Foundation Paper
You should now be able to
qKnow that: Earth is one of a number of planets that orbit the Sun: the Moon orbits Earth; Earth orbits the Sun and the relative positions of Earth, Sun and planets
qKnow that the Universe consists of: stars and planets, comets and meteors, black holes, large groups of stars called galaxies
qDescribe why stars can be seen even though they are far away
qDescribe that gravitational force determines the motion of planets and satellites
Higher paper
qKnow the relative positions of planets, stars, comets, meteors, galaxies and black holes
qKnow that circular motion requires a centripetal force and that gravity provides the centripetal force for orbital motion