The ability of molecules to remain in the atmosphere is also related to the mass of the earth.
The escape Velocity Ve = (2Gm/R)1/2
m = Mass, G=Universal Gravitational Constant, R = Radius
Slide 27
Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity (Ve)
Ve = (2Gm/R)1/2
m = Mass of the Planet
G= Universal Gravitational Constant,
R = Radius of the Planet
Escape Velocities in km/s
Earth = 11.2 Venus = 10.3 Mars = 5.0
Slide 28
The ability of molecules to remain in an atmosphere is related to the mass.
Density Diameter Distance from Sun
Mars 3.94g/ml 6794km 227.9 Mkm
Earth 5.52g/ml 12756km 149.6 Mkm
The Molecule’s Escape Velocity and nature of the molecules determines the composition of the atmosphere.
Slide 29
At 600 K (Upper Atmosphere )
For H atoms 1 in 106 exceeds the escape velocity.This is High enough for rapid depletion of H from the atmosphere
As a result all the Hydrogen on earth is present in a bound state.
(Water, Organic material)
Slide 30
For Oxygen only 1 in 1084 atoms exceeds the escape velocity .This indicates negligible depletion of Oxygen.
Presence of Life on Earth has removed Carbon dioxide from the Atmosphere and given rise to oxygen. Shellfish/Coral.
( Calcium Carbonate and Plant Material )
Slide 31
Surface Characteristics of Planets
Temperature Pressure (bar)*
Venus 732 K (459oC) 90
Earth 288 K ( 15oC ) 1 (101325Pa)
Mars 223 K (-55oC ) 0.006
*1 bar = 100,000Pa
= 10m in depth of the Ocean
Slide 32
Composition of Planet’s Atmospheres in %
CO2 N2 O2 SO2 H2O
Venus 96.5 3.5 0.015
Earth 0.03 78.1 20.9 (varies)
Mars 95.3 2.7 < 0.1 0.03
Slide 33
Presence of Life on Earth has removed Carbon dioxide from the Atmosphere and given rise to oxygen.
Shellfish/Coral. in the Sea,Air,Land Interface has immobilized Carbon dioxide as Calcium Carbonate while Photosynthesis has given rise to oxygen and Plant Material
Slide 34
P(H2O) in Atmospheres