The Mantle does not contain any
40K or 129I
All 129 Xe in mantle came from 129I
Slide 10
From the ratio of 129 Xe in the Mantle to that of 129 Xe in the Atmosphere it possible to gain some idea of the age of differentiation as the Xe due to Nucleosynthesis would have been OUTGASSED into the atmosphere.
Slide 11
The Argon trapped in Mantle evolved from the radioactive decay of 40K 40K
The Xenon trapped in Mantle evolved from the radioactive decay of 129I
The ratio of the amount in the mantle to the atmosphere can give information about the process of differentiation
Slide 12
If outgassing occurred at the beginning
the atmosphere would not contain 40Ar 4r
But would contain 129Xe
Results and Calculations indicate
80% to 85% of the Earth’s Atmosphere was outgassed in the first million years
Slide 13
The other 15% has arisen due to slow release over 4.4 billion years
Difficult Analytical Problem requiring
Concentration of the samples
Specific Choice of Sampling Sites
Slide 14
Majors: CO2, N2, H2O (Water Vapour)
Traces: CH4, NH3, SO2, HCl
Water Vapour Oceans
FeO/Fe2O3 (Grand Canyon) indicates
O2 emerged in the atmosphere about 2 billion years ago`
Slide 15
Stanley Miller (1950) “ Early Earth ”
Experimental Setup
CH4, NH3, H2, H2O(g) ( Atmosphere)
H2O(l) ( Oceans)
Electrode discharge (Simulate Lightning)
Analysis of Fractions
Slide 16
Glycine was found
How Glycine (NH2CH2COOH) Formed
Formaldehyde Cyanide Hydrogen
Slide 17
A number of the compounds discovered in the discharge fractions are precursors to life.
Years later a meteor struck at Murchison
(Victoria) was also analyzed and its contents found to be similar to those of the discharge experiment of Stanley Miller
Slide 18