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Infrared galaxies
Clouds of particles around stars
Interstellar molecules
Brown dwarfs
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Some bodies of matter in space are hidden behind huge clouds of dust particles or gas.
These include the centers of galaxies and clouds containing forming stars and planets.
Infrared telescopes allow scientists to view these regions much more easily
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The Universe is constantly expanding
Because of this, most of the radiation emitted from distant stars is in the infrared spectrum.
Our views of these distant bodies of matter in space actually show us how they looked a long, long time ago.
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To gain a greater knowledge about bodies of matter in space, we need information about all of the different forms of radiation that they emit.
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Airborne Observatory
Reduces Atmospheric Interference
Will begin observing in 2005
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747SP Aircraft
2.5 meter reflector
Largest telescope put in an aircraft
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Largest infrared telescope
Located on Mauna Kea in Hawaii
3.8 meter reflector
A lot of atmospheric interference
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Largest infrared telescope in space
No atmospheric interference
.85 m reflector
Cryogenically cooled so not to interfere with signals
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Infrared is mostly heat waves, Spitzer is cool so its own heat does not interfere with signals
1.4 degrees kelvin
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Spitzer Images
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