Free Powerpoint Presentations

Household Electricity




Since the service panel has black, red, and white wires, the total voltage is 120 + 120 = 240 volts.

The service panel usually contains circuit breakers. The breakers have either a red or a black wire attached to them.

The service panel provides electricity for the branch circuits.

Slide 13

Usually 15 amp breaker

Usually 15 amp breaker

30 amps or greater

Slide 14

Powerful Devices

Powerful Devices

Slide 15

The Neutral Wire (White)

The Neutral Wire (White)

The neutral wire is the ground

Grounds protect us from electrocution

Service Panel has a ground wire

3 prong plug – the circular, bottom hole leads to the ground buried outside.

Slide 16

The Neutral Wire (White)

The Neutral Wire (White)

The neutral wire is _

Grounds protect us from

Service Panel has a

3 prong plug – the circular, bottom hole _.

Slide 17

Three Prong Plug

Three Prong Plug

Slide 18

Three Prong Plug

Slide 19

Circuit Breakers

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers open the circuit when a current in a house wire exceeds the rated current for that circuit.

The circuit breaker protects people from being electrocuted to death and protects us from burning down the house.

Circuit overloads cause the generation of heat.

Slide 20

Circuit Breakers

Slide 21

Circuit breakers - Details

Circuit breakers - Details

Ordinary breakers are rated as 15 amps.

There are bigger breakers provided for such circuits that require 240 volts – e.g Dryers and water heaters.

Instead of circuit breakers some electrical devices have fuses. Often electric stoves have fuses.

Slide 22

Fuses are Older than Circuit of Breakers

Fuses are Older than Circuit of Breakers

Slide 23

GFCI – Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

GFCI – Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

Detects current differences in the neutral and hot wire

Should be same

If not, the internal breaker goes immediately

Can reset

Use near water sources – where safety is concern

Bathroom, outdoor outlets

Slide 24

House Hold Wiring

House Hold Wiring

House hold circuits are 120 volts and are alternating current. Appliances are usually connected in parallel.

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