Free Powerpoint Presentations

WW 1




Slide 1

World War I

World War I

Slide 2

Inevitability of war

Inevitability of war

June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria assassinated

July 5, 1914 Germany issues A-H “blank check”

pledging military assistance if A-H goes to war against Russia

July 23, 1914 Austria issues Serbia an ultimatum

Slide 3

The inevitability of war

The inevitability of war

July 28, 1914 A-H declares war on Serbia

July 29, 1914 Russia orders full mobilization of its troops

August 1,1914 Germany declares war on Russia

August 2, 1914 Germany demands Belgium declare access to German troops

Slide 4

“Belgium is a country, not a road”

“Belgium is a country, not a road”

King Albert I of Belgium denied permission

August 2, 1914 Germany declared war on France


The Schlieffen Plan!

August 4, 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany for violating Belgian neutrality

Slide 5

“Belgium is a country, not a road”

Slide 6

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

Many Europeans were excited about war

“Defend yourself against the aggressors”

Domestic differences were put aside

Slide 7

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

War would be over in a few weeks

Ignored the length and brutality of the American Civil War

(prototype to World War I)

Slide 8

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

Belief that Modern industrial war could not be conducted for more than a few months

“Home by Christmas”

Slide 9

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

1914 – 1915 Illusions and Stalemate

“Fatal attraction of war”

Exhilarating release from every day life

A glorious adventure

War would rid the nations of selfishness

Spark a national re-birth based on heroism

Slide 10

The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature

The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature

Slide 11

The Schlieffen Plan

The Schlieffen Plan

Invade western front 1st

After defeating France concentrate on the Eastern front

Avoid fighting a 2 front war

Slide 12

The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature

The Schlieffen Plan’s Destructive Nature

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