Slide 1
In mid-October of 1998, a section of hillside north of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, moved in response to gravity, wiping out a portion of HW95, the railway and powerlines. See the damage for yourself in the following photos!
Slide 2
Aerial View of the Slide Area
Slide 3
Slide 4
Looking from the East
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Railroad rails and hanging tie
Slide 8
Rails and hanging tie from railroad
Slide 9
Looking from the South
Slide 10
Looking from the North
Slide 11
What type of mass wasting occurred here?
List and defend your evaluation of this event.
Type it out and hand it in for scoring.
The desired response is on the last slide
Slide 12
The Bonners Ferry slide was a major mudflow (as evidenced in slides 2-8) followed by slump (slides 9-10)