Our sense of connection to nature may motivate realignment of our environmental priorities.
Slide 50
Biophilia: past and present
Detail of animals in a 36,000-year-old cave painting,
Lascaux, France
A 30,000-year-old ivory
carving of a water bird,
found in Germany
Biologist Carlos Rivera
Gonzales examining a tiny
tree frog in Peru
Slide 51
Genetic diversity: source of variations that enable
populations to adapt to environmental changes
Species diversity: important in maintaining structure
of communities and food webs
Ecosystem diversity: Provide life-sustaining services
such as nutrient cycling and waste decomposition
Slide 52
You should now be able to:
Distinguish between conservation biology and restoration biology.
List the three major threats to biodiversity and give an example of each.
Define and compare the small-population approach and the declining-population approach.
Distinguish between the total population size and the effective population size.
Slide 53
Describe the conflicting demands that may accompany species conservation.
Define biodiversity hot spots and explain why they are important.
Define zoned reserves and explain why they are important.
Explain the importance of bioremediation and biological augmentation of ecosystem processes in restoration efforts.
Slide 54
Describe the concept of sustainable development.
Explain the goals of the Sustainable Biosphere Initiative.