Slide 1
Basic Principles:
Geometric methods
Standard candles
Standard rulers
[the last two methods relate quantities that are independent of distance to quantities that depend on distance]
Slide 2
Angular size: degree [º], arcminute ['], arcsecond ["]
θ [in arcseconds] = 206265 (L/D)
where: θ = angular size; L = linear (or “true”) size; D = distance
Definitions: parallax (p), Astronomical Unit [AU], parsec [pc]
D [in parsec] = 1/p [in arcseconds]
where: 1 pc = 206265 AU = 3.26 light yr
Parallax can only be used on nearby stars (D < 100 pc)
[Atmospheric blurring (seeing); Hipparcos satellite;
Hubble Space Telescope]
Slide 3
Slide 4
Proper motion [arcsec/s] = change of angular position
Line-of-sight motion [km/s] - measured via Doppler shift
Comparison of average stellar proper motion in cluster with average line-of-sight speed yields distance to cluster
Slide 5
Slide 6
Inverse square law: f = L / (4πD2)
where: f = flux [erg/s/cm2]; L = luminosity [erg/s];
D = distance [cm]
Magnitude scale: brightnesses of astronomical sources
Slide 7
Variable stars: Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars
Period-luminosity relation; measure P & infer L; measure f & infer D
Other standard candles: brightest red giants, HII regions,
planetary nebulae, supernovae, globular cluster luminosity
Galaxies: Luminosity is seen to be correlated with the typical speed of internal motion of stars and gas
[Tully-Fisher relation: rotation of disks of spiral galaxies]
[Faber-Jackson relation: random stellar motion in elliptical galaxies]
Galaxies: Size correlated with typical speed of (random) stellar motion
[Dn-σ relation for elliptical galaxies]
Slide 8
Expansion of the Universe
Hubble's law: v = H0 D
where: H0 = Hubble constant [km/s/Mpc]
Doppler shift used to measure recession velocity:
v ≈ c (Δλ / λ)
where: Δλ/λ = fractional change in wavelength