Beam of fast-moving Uranium atoms
Suitably placed Geiger counter
Nuclear fission of Uranium atoms
Slide 19
General Theory of Relativity (GTR)
Principle of Equivalence
All objects experience the same motion in a given
gravitational field, irrespective of their mass
[Galileo's experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa]
Gravitational field <===> Accelerated reference frame
Gravity can be thought of as a distortion of space-time
Slide 20
Slide 21
Observable Consequences of GTR
Perihelion precession of Mercury
Light bending:
Solar eclipse experiment
Slide 22
Gravitational lensing:
Multiple images,
image distortion
Gravitational Redshift
[Extreme case: light is
“trapped” in a black hole]
Slide 23
General relativistic effects are important in a STRONG GRAVITATIONAL FIELD