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Astronomy and Space Science I
Dr. Hoi-Fung Chau
Dr. Alex Tat-Sang Choy
Jointly Organized by
Hong Kong Space Museum
HKU Physics Department
Co-organized by
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Astronomy Basics
Length, time, angles
Celestial sphere, star maps
Solar System
Orbital Motion of the Earth around the Sun
Geocentric models
Heliocentric models
Modern views
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1 ls = distance light travel in 1 second = 299792485 m ≈ 3x108 m
1 ly = distance light travels in 1 year ≈ 9.46x1015 m ≈ 1016 m
1 AU (astronomical unit) = mean distance between the Sun and Earth ≈ 1.49x1011 m
1 pc (parsec) = distance from which 1 AU extends 1 arcsec ≈ 3.26 ly ≈ 3.24x1016 m
1 Mpc = 106 pc ≈ 3.26x1022 m
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Angles are measured in degree (°), arcmin ('), arcsec("); radians (rad, or no unit).
1° = 60' = 3600"
1 rad = 180°/π ≈ 57.3°.
Small angle approximation: angle = arc length/distance
The apparent diameter of the Sun and the Moon are about 0.5°.
Resolution limit of a 4" telescope ≈ 1".
Note: Do not confuse arcsec with inch, both use the same symbol.
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Objects with Large Angular Sizes (roughly to scale)
Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
180 x 63.
M54, extragalatic
globular star cluster, 12
M4, globular star cluster, 36
Orion Nebula (M42), 85 x 60.
Pleiades, open star cluster, 180.
Moon, 30.
Sun, 30.
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More Examples
Hubble Deep Field, ≈ 1.5.
Polaris As apparent size = 0.002.
Polaris A to Polaris Ab is 0.2;
Polaris A to Polaris B is 20;
Polaris A to Dubhe ≈ 30°.
Io, Jovian satellite, 1.
Crab Nebula
Ring nebula,
1.4 x 1.
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