A New Name for the “Big Bang?” (Sky and Telescope, 1995)
The Big Boot
God’s Log-On
Fred Withair Day (“Nobody ever named anything else after me, so why not?”)
What Happens If I Push This Button?
You’re Never Going To Get It All Back In There Again
Slide 32
90% of the Universe is “Missing”
Outer Stars in Galaxies revolve faster than expected
What holds clusters of galaxies together?
Conclusion: There must be a lot of invisible mass in the Universe
Not really “missing”, just non-luminous
Slide 33
Astronomers Are Not As Upset As One Might Expect
MACHO’s (Massive Compact Halo Objects): faint stars, brown dwarfs, planets
Cool non-luminous gas
Massive Neutrinos?
WIMP’s (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles)
Magnetic monopoles
Exotic objects: strings, mini-black holes
Slide 34
Much greater and the Universe would already have collapsed in on itself
Much less and stars could not have formed
Nuclear Forces
Fusion impossible
Fusion too easy
Anthropic Principle
Cosmology has to be able to explain why we exist
Slide 35
Fine Tuning the Universe
It just came out that way
It has to be that way for reasons we haven’t yet discovered
Maybe there are an infinity of universes but only those with certain parameters develop intelligent life (Multiverse)
Engineered or designed
Slide 36
Fine Tuning the Universe
Doesn’t Explain Anything
If the Designer can create a Universe, why is c = 300,000 km/sec instead of 400,000?
If Designer had to have c = 300,000 km/sec, why? What (who?) dictated that, and why?
Who says Designer is anything pictured by any religion?
Slide 37
There are no absolutes
Speed of light is absolute
It may not be possible to be absolutely right but it is very easy to be absolutely wrong
Slide 38
Trillions of years: Star formation ends
10-100 trillion years: Stars stop radiating
1015 – 1020 years: Planetary orbits decay
1032 – 1041 years: Protons decay?
Heat Death?
Big Crunch?
Big Bounce?
Slide 39