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Astrophysics and Astronomy




Secondary µ, and nµ

(Beacom et al , astro/ph 0111482)

Slide 44

Tau Cascades E << 1PeV: Single cascade

Tau Cascades E << 1PeV: Single cascade

(2 cascades coincide)

E ≈ 1PeV: Double bang

E >> 1 PeV: partially contained

(reconstruct incoming tau track and cascade from decay)

Slide 45

Astrophysics and Astronomy

Slide 46

Neutrino ID (solid) Energy and angle (shaded)

Neutrino ID (solid) Energy and angle (shaded)

Slide 47

Tau Transparency/Regeneration ne and nµ are absorbed in the Earth via charged current interactions (muons range out)

Tau Transparency/Regeneration ne and nµ are absorbed in the Earth via charged current interactions (muons range out)

Above ~100 TeV the Earth is opaque to ne & νµ.

But, the Earth never becomes completely opaque to nt

Due to the short t lifetime, t’s produced in nt charged-current interactions decay back into nt

Also, secondary ne & νµ. fluxes are produced in the tau decays.

Slide 48

Flavor Ratios

Flavor Ratios

The ratio of flavors at the source is expected to be 0:2:1= nt : nm : ne

Since the distance to the source is >> than the oscillation length – any admixture at the source should wind up:

1:1:1= nt : nm : ne

when arriving at earth

What if that isn’t true?

Slide 49

Exotic neutrino properties if not 1:1:1 Neutrino decay (Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Pakvasa& Weiler)

Exotic neutrino properties if not 1:1:1 Neutrino decay (Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Pakvasa& Weiler)

CPT violation (Barenboim& Quigg)

Oscillation to steriles with very tiny delta δm2

(Crocker et al; Berezinskyet al.)

Pseudo-Dirac mixing (Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Learned, Pakvasa& Weiler)

3+1 or 2+2 models with sterile neutrinos (Dutta, Reno and Sarcevic)

Magnetic moment transitions (Enqvist, Keränen, Maalampi)

Varying mass neutrinos (Fardon, Nelson & Weiner; Hung & Pas)

Slide 50

Supernova Monitor

Supernova Monitor

Slide 51

Large Scale Neutrino Detectors

Large Scale Neutrino Detectors

Slide 52

Radio Cherenkov Detectors Rice Anita Salsa

Radio Cherenkov Detectors

Rice Anita Salsa

Slide 53

Acoustic Detectors SAUND (Study of Acoustic Underwater Neutrino Detection)

Acoustic Detectors SAUND (Study of Acoustic Underwater Neutrino Detection)

Slide 54

Conclusions Neutrino Astronomy is just beginning to open a new window on the Universe!


Neutrino Astronomy is just beginning to open a new window on the Universe!

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