Secondary µ, and nµ
(Beacom et al , astro/ph 0111482)
Slide 44
Tau Cascades E << 1PeV: Single cascade
(2 cascades coincide)
E ≈ 1PeV: Double bang
E >> 1 PeV: partially contained
(reconstruct incoming tau track and cascade from decay)
Slide 45
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Neutrino ID (solid) Energy and angle (shaded)
Slide 47
Tau Transparency/Regeneration ne and nµ are absorbed in the Earth via charged current interactions (muons range out)
Above ~100 TeV the Earth is opaque to ne & νµ.
But, the Earth never becomes completely opaque to nt
Due to the short t lifetime, t’s produced in nt charged-current interactions decay back into nt
Also, secondary ne & νµ. fluxes are produced in the tau decays.
Slide 48
The ratio of flavors at the source is expected to be 0:2:1= nt : nm : ne
Since the distance to the source is >> than the oscillation length – any admixture at the source should wind up:
1:1:1= nt : nm : ne
when arriving at earth
What if that isn’t true?
Slide 49
Exotic neutrino properties if not 1:1:1 Neutrino decay (Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Pakvasa& Weiler)
CPT violation (Barenboim& Quigg)
Oscillation to steriles with very tiny delta δm2
(Crocker et al; Berezinskyet al.)
Pseudo-Dirac mixing (Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Learned, Pakvasa& Weiler)
3+1 or 2+2 models with sterile neutrinos (Dutta, Reno and Sarcevic)
Magnetic moment transitions (Enqvist, Keränen, Maalampi)
Varying mass neutrinos (Fardon, Nelson & Weiner; Hung & Pas)
Slide 50
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Acoustic Detectors SAUND (Study of Acoustic Underwater Neutrino Detection)
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