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75% of High School Students report having tried alcohol at least once.
28% reported having an alcoholic beverage in the last month
Male students more likely than female students to report episodic heavy drinking
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Contains intoxicating substance called ethyl alcohol or ethanol
Slows down the functions of the brain and other parts of the nervous system
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What is Alcohol?
Produced by a fermentation process
Proof is the amount of alcohol in the substance (ex. 100 proof bottle of vodka is 50% alcohol)
12 oz. Beer = 4 oz. Wine = 1 oz. liquor
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Heart/Blood Vessels
Short term
Perspiration increases and skin becomes flushed
Long Term
High blood pressure and damage to the heart muscle; blood vessels harden and become less flexible
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Brain/Nervous System
Short Term
Speech is slurred and difficulty walking
Long Term
Brain cells are destroyed and unable to be replaced; damage to nerves in body resulting in numbness in hands and feet
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Can only oxidize about 1 serving of alcohol an hour
NO WAY to speed up this process
Until liver has had time to oxidize all of the alcohol ingested, it keeps circulating through the bloodstream
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alcohol interferes with body’s ability to break down fats.
Excess fat blocks flow in liver resulting in reduced oxygen and cell death
can be REVERSED when drinking stops
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scarring of the liver
no blood flow in scarred area
liver cannot function
symptoms: high blood pressure, abdominal swelling, jaundice
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