Free Powerpoint Presentations

Growing Plants




Slide 36



Listening exercise on seed dispersal

Listen to the tape,

Use the commentary to help you answer questions on your handout.

World of Plants Workbook p41

Comparing Lime and Sycamore seeds.

Go through the problem solving activity

Slide 37

Quick Test-A

Quick Test-A

What term is used to describe male and female gametes?

What is pollination?

Name the two types of pollination.

Describe the differences in the pollen between insect and wind pollinated plants.

Explain why the stigmas of wind pollinated flowers hang outside the flowers.

Slide 38

Quick test-B

Quick test-B

Why do wind pollinated flowers not produce nectar?

How does the male gamete reach the female gamete?

What is a fruit?

Name three ways in which fruits and seeds are dispersed.

Why is it important that fruits and seeds are carried away from the parent plant?

Slide 39

Types of reproduction

Types of reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Involves 2 parents and sex cells ie. pollen and ovule join to make a new individual.

Asexual reproduction

Involves 1 parent and no sex cells.

Ways they naturally reproduce include:

- Tubers

- ( Bulbs )

- Runners

Slide 40



Tubers are underground food stores which stores food over the winter and provides a new plant with food until it can make its own.

Food made by the new plant is sent to make new tubers. Thereby reproducing itself.

Examples: potato, artichoke, yam, cassava, water chestnut, arrowroot

Slide 41

arrowroot = arrow root = Chinese potato (this name also is used for jicama) = goo = seegoo = arrowhead = Chinese arrowhead = tse goo = ci gu = tsu goo

arrowroot = arrow root = Chinese potato (this name also is used for jicama) = goo = seegoo = arrowhead = Chinese arrowhead = tse goo = ci gu = tsu goo


Notes: The name arrowroot is more commonly associated with a thickener that's made from the plant.

A fresh arrowroot tuber looks like a small onion, only without the layers.

It should be peeled, and then it can be boiled or stir-fried.

Look for it in Chinese markets during the winter.

Slide 42



cassava = casava = manioc = mandioca = tapioca root = yucca = yucca root = yuca root = Brazilian arrowroot Pronunciation: kuh-SAH-vuh

Notes: People in Hispanic countries use cassavas much like Americans use potatoes. There's both a sweet and a bitter variety of cassava. The sweet one can be eaten raw, but the bitter one requires cooking to destroy the harmful prussic acid it contains.

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