Two forms of Biston betularia (peppered moth)
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Differ by only one allele of the gene forming dark pigment (melanin)
Both forms fly by night
Both forms rest on trees during the day
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Pre 1800s
Light form common throughout Britain
Dark arose by mutation
-very rare
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In non-polluted areas
-tree trunks covered with pale coloured lichens
Moth well camouflaged against pale background
Dark form easily seen and eaten by predators
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Survey in the 1950s
Pale form most abundant in non-industrial areas
Dark forms most abundant in areas suffering from heavy air-pollution
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In polluted areas
-toxic gases kill lichen
-soot particles darken tree trunks
Dark coloured well hidden and favoured by natural selection
Light coloured moth easily seen
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Frequencies of two forms of peppered moths in the 1950s