Divided the empire for better administration
Tetrarchy (2 Augusti, 2 Caesars)
Diocletian retired, forced Maximiam to retire
Chaos followed
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306-337 AD
Constantine’s father succeeded Maximian as Augustus
Succeeded his father as Caesar
Became 1 of 7 claimants for control
Fought wars to decide emperor
Vision of a burning Christian symbol (chi-rho)
United the troops and gave them courage that "a god" wanted them to win (most were pagans and accepted the protection of any god)
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Built on Byzantium site
Acceptance of Christianity
Edict of Milan
Eliminated religious contention
Supported Christian religions
St. Helena, churches
Supported pagan religions
Coins, inscriptions, built temples
Nicaean council (325 AD)
Sought to unify doctrine
Used imperial troops to suppress dissent among Christians (Donatists)
Conversion or unity?
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Theodocius I
Strongest post-Constantine emperor
Instituted Christianity as state religion
Goths joined army to fight against Huns
Revolt in Thessalonica (7000 killed)
This was the first confrontation between the church and the state
Theodocius I forced to beg forgiveness (St. Ambrose)
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Post-Constantine Period
Rome full of crime, decayed morals
Capital moved to Ravenna
Persians (Parthians)
Attacked eastern providence
Overran the local Roman army
Reinforcement moved to defend the east which weakened the west
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Post-Constantine Period
Central base in Hungary
Warriors feared by Romans and Germans
Attila—last leader
Invaded Gaul
Defeated in 451 AD by a combined army
Moved into Italy and defeated again
Withdrew to Hungary
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Post-Constantine Period
Barbarians (illiterate and non-urban)
Settled in Roman territory after pressure from the Huns
Goths split into two groups
Ostrogoths—eastern Europe
Visigoths—moved to Dacia (Romania)
Allowed to live on Roman land
Barbarians compatible with Romans
Visigoths revolted after unfair taxing
Theodosius the Great bought off the Visigoths
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