Free Powerpoint Presentations

Great Depression




c. Infrastructure (buildings, schools, bridges, electricity, artwork)

Slide 24

OBJ #5 - Describe the reasons people opposed Roosevelt’s plan. Give two (2) examples of people who opposed Roosevelt. Why? What did the Supreme Court say about the early part of the New Deal? How did Roosevelt try and change their minds? What was the result?

OBJ #5 - Describe the reasons people opposed Roosevelt’s plan. Give two (2) examples of people who opposed Roosevelt. Why? What did the Supreme Court say about the early part of the New Deal? How did Roosevelt try and change their minds? What was the result?

V. OBJ. #5 - Critics of the New Deal

A. BIG BUSINESS!!!! (Gov’t doing too much!)

1. Gov’t Can’t tell us what to do

B. FDR, not doing enough:

1. “Share Our Wealth”, Huey Long Gov. Louisiana

a. Heavy Tax on the wealthy

b. Give everyone- Home, Car, $$

c. Assassinated in 1935

2. Father Coughlin, “Radio Priest”

a. Mad at FDR for not being tough enough on big business

b. Hates communist, Unions, Jews (Hitler?)

3. Francis Townsend

a. Give pensions to anyone 60+, would get jobs to

younger people

Slide 25

OBJ #5- Opponents of the New Deal (Against)

OBJ #5- Opponents of the New Deal (Against)

C. Supreme Court Reacts

1. 11 New Deal Plans Ruled Unconstitutional

2. Roosevelt Reacts: ‘Court Packing Scheme’

a. Wants Court raised from 9 to 15

-President chooses new judges

-New judges would favor New Deal

3. Friends & Enemies Very Upset!!!

a. FDR wants TOOO much POWER

b. Congress with all friends won’t pass

law for FDR

4. FDR Wins Anyway- By 1938 New Judges

a. 1 Justice switches, 1 Justice retires

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