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Final Jeopardy
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The condition of the Earth’s surface at a particular place and time.
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What is weather?
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The influence of Earth’s rotation on objects such as wind, that move over Earth.
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What is the Coriolis Effect?
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Air reaches saturation when…
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What is when condensation equals evaporation?
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The temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach saturation.
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What is dew point?
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This compares the amount of water vapor in air with the maximum amount of water vapor that can be present at that temperature.
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What is relative humidity?
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This causes a sea breeze.
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What is the uneven heating and cooling of the land and sea?
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A land breeze occurs at what time of the day.
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What is during the night?
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These are the four main parts of the water cycle.
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What is evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and run off ?
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Two rooms have the same humidity. One room is cooler that the other. Which statement is true? A. both rooms have the same relative humidity B. the cooler room has a higher relative humidity C. the warmer room has a higher relative humidity D. the cooler room contains less air then the other room