Slide 1
Slide 2
1st you must know what the symbols mean!!
U = unstressed
/ = stressed
Slide 3
2nd – Find the pattern
U / = iambic
/ U = trochaic
U U / = anapestic
/ U U = dactylic
/ / U = spondaic
Slide 4
3rd – You need to know that each pattern is a foot!
How many feet do you have?
ONE FOOT - monometer
TWO FEET - dimeter
THREE FEET - trimeter
FOUR FEET - tetrameter
FIVE FEET - pentameter
Slide 5
Now all you need to do is put the two together!!
Ex. //U //U //U = spondaic trimeter
Slide 6
Now see if you can guess the following……. Use your notes. (You know I’ll try to trick you!)