wave patterns continued
Frequency - Number of waves passing per second. The unit of measure is hertz (Hz).
Amplitude - Greatest distance of a wave's rise or fall
Wave Velocity - Wave velocity is the distance a wave travels per second.
wavelength - velocity / frequency
Slide 10
Wave Pattern
Slide 11
words and their sounds vibrate to different parts of the body
made up of two elements consonants and vowels
every letter and combination of letters has significance
sound of words make the tone or texture
word endings fluid or harsh eg slice, baffling fluid sounds; cat, difficult harsh sounds
Slide 12
can add to the meaning connotation
O sounds and letters connect to images eg: The Moon rose over the ocean.
Soft sounding consonants R, J, M, N, S, V, W
Hard sounding consonants K, D, Q, T, C, B, P
Some letters and combination of letters create full, thin or open sounds