What is an odyssey?
“The first MYTHEME in our odyssey plot involves getting there
(getting started, then getting through or over any hurdles, obstacles,
perils, or getting out of baited traps along the way), the second
MYTHEME involves getting what you went to get once you get there;
while the third MYTHEME involves getting away with it in spite of
the guards; and the fourth MYTHEME involves getting back where
you came from, again, as on the way out, getting past dangers, which
may be harder now because the prize you're bringing back makes
you more likely to get ripped off.” (van Sickle)
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“Something Wonderful.”
“In such a story, we can notice, the traveler keeps coming up against
the unexpected; in other words, dangers and distractions keep
overtaking one. Now "over" plus "take" add up to what in the
languages derived from Latin gets called SURPRISE; while coming
upon or up against gets called ADVENTURE. So the odyssey we have
been defining turns out to be a classic plot of adventure and surprise.”
Now we can turn our attentions to Kubrick’s freaky future mindtrip:
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The movie is fraught with analogies to classical stories and themes
When you are watching the movie, see if you agree or disagree with
the following four parallels:
1. “The Dawn of Man” – the first scene in the movie.
The monkeys meet the monolith, and humanity is changed
forever – is it for good or ill?
The Monolith as Pandora’s Box?
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2001: A Space Analogy
2. The Monolith as a futuristic Trojan Horse.
The scene on the moon when Dr. Floyd visits the Monolith
on the moon.
Leonard Wheat has drawn the following analogies to this
scene and the Horse:
a) The moon monolith scene takes place at the moon crater
Tycho. Kubrick evidently scoured the list of moon crater names
Tycho is a real crater name - and chose Tycho, the name that
most nearly resembled Troy. Both names are short, both begin
with T, and both contain the additional letters o and y.
Tycho symbolizes Troy.
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2001: A Space Analogy
b. The moon monolith is inside the walls of a pit. The pit's walls are
the walls of Troy.
c. The astronauts in the pit, symbolizing the Trojans, curiously