If g is the gravitational field strength at some point (in N/kg), then the free fall acceleration at that point is also g (in m/s2).
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If you are located a distance r from the center of a planet:
all of the planet’s mass inside a sphere of radius r pulls you toward the center of the planet.
All of the planet’s mass outside a sphere of radius r exerts no net gravitational force on you.
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Gravitational Field Inside a Planet
The blue-shaded part of the planet pulls you toward point C.
The grey-shaded part of the planet does not pull you at all.
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Gravitational Field Inside a Planet
Half way to the center of the planet, g has one-half of its surface value.
At the center of the planet, g = 0 N/kg.
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When a very massive star gets old and runs out of fusionable material, gravitational forces may cause it to collapse to a mathematical point - a singularity. All normal matter is crushed out of existence. This is a black hole.
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Black Hole Gravitational Force
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Black Hole Gravitational Force
The black hole’s gravity is the same as the original star’s at distances greater than the star’s original radius.
Black hole’s don’t magically “suck things in.”
The black hole’s gravity is intense because you can get really, really close to it!
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There are 2 high tides and 2 low tides per day.
The tides follow the Moon.
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Why Two Tides?
Tides are caused by the stretching of a planet.
Stretching is caused by a difference in forces on the two sides of an object.
Since gravitational force depends on distance, there is more gravitational force on the side of Earth closest to the Moon and less gravitational force on the side of Earth farther from the Moon.
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Why Two Tides?
Remember that
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Why the Moon?
The Sun’s gravitational pull on Earth is much larger than the Moon’s gravitational pull on Earth. So why do the tides follow the Moon and not the Sun?