Organic ingredients and inorganic ingredients
Slide 24
Organic = Carbon Atoms
Hydrogen, oxygen & nitrogen atoms are also often involved
Covalent bonds
Exist as individual molecules
Molecular formula determines size
Typical a few to several dozen Å (<10 nm)
Sources: and original image
Octyl methoxycinnamate (C18H26O3)
an organic sunscreen ingredient
Slide 25
Organic Ingredients: UV Absorption
Electrons capture the energy from UV rays
They jump to higher energy levels
The energy is released as infrared rays which are harmless (each ray is low in energy)
Source: Adapted from
hf=2.48 eV
3hf=2.48 eV
Slide 26
Organic Ingredients: Absorption Range
Organic molecules only absorb UV rays whose energy matches difference between electron energy levels
Different kinds of molecules have different peaks and ranges of absorption
Using more than one kind of ingredient (molecule) gives broader protection
One Ingredient Two Ingredients Three Ingredients
Source: Graphs adapted from
Slide 27
Organic Ingredients: Absorption Range cont.
Most organic ingredients that are currently used were selected because they are good UVB absorbers
The FDA has approved 15 organic ingredients
Sunscreen makers are trying to develop organic ingredients that are good UVA blockers
Avobenzone (also known as Parasol 1789) is a new FDA approved UVA blocker
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How are inorganic sunscreen ingredients different from organic ones?
How might this affect the way they absorb UV light?
Slide 29
Inorganic Ingredients: The Basics
Atoms Involved
Zinc or Titanium
Ionic attraction
Cluster of ions
Formula unit doesn’t dictate size
Varies with # of ions in cluster
~10 nm – 300 nm
Source: and image adapted from
Group of TiO2 particles
Detail of the ions in one cluster