Free Powerpoint Presentations

Heart of Algebra




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Professional Development MODULE

Professional Development MODULE


The SAT Suite of Assessments


Math that Matters Most: Heart of Algebra Problem Solving and Data Analysis

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Professional Development Modules for the SAT Suite of Assessments

Professional Development Modules for the SAT Suite of Assessments

Module 1 Key Features

Module 2 Words in Context and Command of Evidence

Module 3 Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions

Module 4 Math that Matters Most:

Heart of Algebra

Problem Solving and Data Analysis

Module 5 Math that Matters Most:

Passport to Advanced Math

Additional Topics in Math

Module 6 Using Assessment Data to Inform Instruction

Module 7 Connecting History/Social Studies Instruction with the SAT Suite of Assessments

Module 8 Connecting Science Instruction with the SAT Suite of Assessments

Module 9 The SAT Essay

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What is the Purpose of Module 4?

What is the Purpose of Module 4?

Review the content assessed for two math Subscores:

Heart of Algebra

Problem Solving and Data Analysis

Connect Heart of Algebra and Problem Solving and Data Analysis skills with classroom instruction in math and other subjects

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Score Reporting on the SAT Suite of Assessments

Score Reporting on the SAT Suite of Assessments

Score ranges on this table are for the SAT.

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Scores and Score Ranges Across the SAT Suite of Assessments

Scores and Score Ranges Across the SAT Suite of Assessments

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Overview of the Math Test

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Math Test Information

Math Test Information

The overall aim of the SAT Math Test is to assess fluency with, understanding of, and ability to apply the mathematical concepts that are most strongly prerequisite for and useful across a wide range of college majors and careers.

The SAT Math Test has two portions:

Calculator Portion (38 questions) 55 minutes

No-Calculator Portion (20 questions) 25 minutes

Total Questions on the SAT Math Test: 58 questions

Multiple Choice (45 questions)

Student-Produced Response (13 questions)

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Calculator and No-Calculator Portions

Calculator and No-Calculator Portions

The Calculator portion:

gives insight into students’ capacity to use appropriate tools strategically.

includes more complex modeling and reasoning questions to allow students to make computations more efficiently.

includes questions in which the calculator could be a deterrent to expedience.

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