Then g is onto, and f is not.
Slide 8
The exponential function with base b
is the following function from R to R+ :
expb(x) = bx
b0=1 b-x = 1/bx
bubv = bu+v
(bu)v = buv
(bc)u = bucu
Slide 9
The logarithic function with base b
(b>0, b1)
is the following function from R+ to R:
logb(x) = the exponent to which b must raised to obtain x .
Symbolically, logbx = y by = x .
Slide 10
Definition: A one-to-one correspondence
(or bijection) from a set X to a set Y
is a function f:X→Y
that is both one-to-one and onto.
1) Linear functions: f(x)=ax+b when a0
(with domain and co-domain R)
2) Exponential functions: f(x)=bx (b>0, b1)
(with domain R and co-domain R+)
3) Logarithic functions: f(x)=logbx (b>0, b1)
(with domain R+ and co-domain R)
Slide 11
Suppose F: X→Y is a one-to-one correspondence.
Then there is a function F-1: Y→X defined as follows:
Given any element in Y,
F-1(y) = the unique element x in X
such that F(x)=y .
The function F-1 is called the inverse function for F.
The logarithic function with base b (b>0, b 1)
is the inverse of the exponential function with base b.