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The Industrial Revolution
The Revolution that changed the world forever
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Industrial – Having to do with industry, business or manufacturing
Revolution – a huge change or a change in the way things are done
Industrial Revolution – a change from making things by hand to making them in factories.
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Before the Industrial Revolution, people relied on the horse and their own feet to get around.
With the invention of the steam locomotive, transportation took a huge step forward.
The first two major railroad companies were the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads.
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Leland Stanford was a business tycoon, (a wealthy, powerful person in business or industry) co-founder of the Central Pacific Railroad, creator of Stanford University, and the governor of California.
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With the invention of the spinning jenny and the power loom, the textile industry took off.
Clothes could now be made far faster than ever before.
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The spinning wheel was the first invention, but it was very slow.
Threads were spun one at a time, by hand.
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The spinning jenny could spin up to eight thread at time. The spinning jenny was much faster than the spinning wheel.
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The spinning mule used water power to spin the thread, which was much faster than doing it by hand.