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People of the Stone Age
Hunters and Gatherers
Ch.1, Lesson 1
Mr. Bennett’s 6th Grade
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They spread to the rest of the world over the next tens of thousands of years as they hunted and gathered food to survive.
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Without becoming food!
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Ugh…Me so
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Groups of related families united in bands to collect roots, nuts, fruits and seeds. They also hunted together. By co-operating together they met their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter.
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The animals they killed provided meat for food, bones for tools, and hides for clothing.
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They set up seasonal camps in caves or rock shelters wherever the animals were plentiful.
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Bands migrated when food (plants or animals) became scarce in one location.
We’re outta here!
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Spreading Through the World
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Couldn’t find enough food
Growing number of bands
Changing climate (desertification)
Follow animals on the move (hunting)
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About 35,000 years ago
Ice sheets covered about 1/3 of the earth
Result…ocean level lower & land bridges made
migration to various parts of world
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And it made a cool movie too…
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People in different parts of the world gradually developed their own cultures (way of life). As bands grew larger, their organization and interactions within the group changed. Band members now performed different tasks (division of labor) and took on different roles according to their abilities and the group’s needs.