Free Powerpoint Presentations

Bacteria - Helicobacter pylori - Ulcers




Slide 1

Ulcer Wars!

Ulcer Wars!

Compiled by

Mrs J Wright, Durban Girls’ High School,2006

Slide 2

The Problem – an Ulcer!

The Problem – an Ulcer!

Definition : ulcer n. an open sore on an external

or internal surface

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Slide 3



found in the stomach lining, and though to be caused

by stressful living.

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Slide 4

Using an endoscope to view an ulcer and a tissue sample then

Using an endoscope to view an ulcer and a tissue sample then

taken to be analysed

View of an ulcer in the stomach

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Slide 5

Dr Robin Warren - pathologist

Dr Robin Warren - pathologist

Team work

The curious observation made by

Dr Robin Warren in the samples

given to him to analyse.

These observations were investigated

by Dr Marshall.

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Slide 6

In the laboratory.

In the laboratory.

Team work to produce

a culture of H. pylori!

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Slide 7

Dr Barry Marshall – 1981, Australia

Dr Barry Marshall – 1981, Australia

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Slide 8

Culture of Helicobacter pylori

Culture of Helicobacter pylori

A sample was taken and viewed under the

Electron Microscope

After months of trials and failures,

an unplanned long weekend in the incubator

produced a result!

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Slide 9

Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori

The villian!




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Removal of H. pylori

Removal of H. pylori

and healing of the ulcer?

Scanning E.M of H.pylori on

the stomach walls.

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Slide 11

How the ulcer is formed

How the ulcer is formed

H. pylori causes excess production

of HCl by cells of the stomach lining. The stomach is trying to

kill the bacterium.

The excess acid removes

the mucus layer and the

stomach cells are then attacked,

resulting in an ulcer.

Acid inhibitors such as Tagamet now usually prescribed for relief

but they have to be taken continually.

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Slide 12

Test kits for

Test kits for

Helicobactera pylori

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