Why does the porcupine population stay rather stable?
Why do deer have a more dynamic population?
Population Dynamics
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Population control
What about our domestic animals?
Keep separate
Dogs and cats reproduce quickly
Ave. lifespan of a feral dog- 1-2 years
Ave. lifespan of a feral cat- 4.7 years
What is an animal called that was once domesticated but is now wild?
It’s not a good life.
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Population control
Feral-if born in the wild from domestic origins
How do the dogs acting with each other? With people?
Stray Dogs in Abandoned Detroit Aug. 2013
Feral Dogs in Russian
Stray- once had a home but is lost or abandoned
Why does Detroit have so many stray dogs?
How many postal workers had been bitten from Oct to July?
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Population control
A USA Today article cites that pets who live in the states with the highest rates of spaying or neutering also live the longest. According to the report, neutered male dogs live 18% longer than un-neutered male dogs and spayed female dogs live 23% longer than unspayed female dogs. The report goes on to add that in Mississippi, the lowest-ranking state for pet longevity, 44% of the dogs are not neutered or spayed. (May 7, 2013)
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Population control
Cows can be feral too…
Holy Cow 21:53-26:15
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Babies are born alive but not fully developed.
The baby crawls into the pouch to drink milk and grow until more developed.
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1) Lay Eggs
2) Eggs hatch and young drink milk that comes out of pores…
3) Young are raised by the mother
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What is a baby echidna called?
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Um, how exactly do porcupines reproduce?
It seems a little dangerous…
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Female porcupines (porcupettes) are only fertile 8-12 hours a YEAR!