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The World’s Last Great Wilderness (Antarctica)
Dr Julian Paren
Schools Liaison Officer
British Antarctic Survey
Talk at RGS 8 February 2001
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Coldest, driest, windiest, highest, and least accessible continent
Winter population 1000 people, 10,000 in summer
10,000 tourists visit for a few days in summer
Ice covered for the last 25 million years
Less than 1% of continent is ice free
Once the home of dinosaurs, trees and plants
An insect is the “lion” of the Antarctic
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Fifty million seals & 15 million penguins
Regional fishery of global economic value
History of over-exploitation. Seals, whales. penguins and fish
Fishery for krill and fish regulated by science-backed international body under Antarctic Treaty
Pirate fishing due to lack of effective policing
Decline of albatross due to mortality on long lines of tuna fishermen in sub-Tropics
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Antarctica is “a natural reserve devoted to peace and science”
The Antarctic Treaty manages the region’s wildlife
Mining is forbidden
The Treaty runs indefinitely
Forty-four countries have acceded to the Antarctic Treaty (80% of the world population)
All 44 countries have to agree to Treaty revisions
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The Antarctic Treaty expires in 50 years
Mining is only banned for 50 years
Antarctica is under threat from developers
People working in the Antarctic have polluted the continent
Antarctica still has to be saved
Penguins fall over backwards when planes fly overhead!
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The Antarctic is the most rigorously protected region of the world
The protection is legally backed
International inspection teams monitor compliance with the Antarctic Treaty
Man’s footprint on Antarctica is practically invisible
More “pollution” enters the region through the atmosphere than is generated there (DDT, CFCs )
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The destruction of the ozone layer
A 400,000 year demonstration of the link between greenhouse gases and climate
The global impact of the Industrial Revolution
A reduction of the height of the ionosphere consistent with “global warming”