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More Old Terms
REM- Roentgen Equivalent Mammal is equal to the absorbed does in RADS multiplied by a quality factor
Quality Factors
Beta = 1
Gamma & X ray photons = 1
Alpha = 10
Neutrons = 20
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New Terms sort of
International Units have replaced the RAD and REM
GRAY (Gy) = 100 RAD
SIEVERT (Sv) = 100 REM
Same Quality Factors apply to the Sv
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Units of Radioactivity
Curie (Ci) = 2.22 E12 dpm or 3.7E10 dps
Becquerel (Bq) = 1 dps
Maximum Dose/year = 5 REM or 50 mSv
Maximum Dose/year for Declared Pregnant Woman & Minors= 0.5 REM or 5 mSv
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Annual Dose Limits
External/Internal Exposure Limits for Occupationally Exposed Individuals
*Effective dose equivalent
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Typical Doses
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Radiation is a type of energy; Contamination is material
Exposure to Radiation will not contaminate you or make you radioactive
Contamination is Radioactive Material spilled someplace you don’t want it.
Radioactive contamination emits radiation
Contact with Contamination can contaminate you with the material
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RAD use at UM
Prior to first use of radionuclides, the Authorized User must provide written and interactive training.
Read the Radiation Safety Manual
Specific, clear and detailed instruction on safe handling
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Rad orders may be emailed or faxed to EHOS and must include an index code
EHOS will place order and enter charges in Banner for you—This allows us to check inventory totals prior to ordering
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What if I Don’t Pay for my Nukes
Free shipments must be approved
Inter-Laboratory Transfers must
Be approved
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Use the appropriate survey meter to confirm the TYPE and AMOUNT of detectable radiation is proper
Wipe test outer package and run wipes in LSC
Check each inner increment of packaging