Isolated spinal relapse (what would be prevented by CSI)
Other sites inside and outside CNS
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343 patients received CSI
LC achieved in all but one patient (99.7%)
4 (1.2%) had isolated spinal relapses
13 (3.8%) overall relapse over half outside craniospinal axis.
Local relapse rate 0.3%
278 patients treated with whole brain or whole ventricular
LC 97.5%
8 (2.9%) had isolated spinal relapse
21 (7.6%) overall relapse
Local relapse rate 2.5%
133 focal radiotherapy
LC 93.5%
15 (11.3%) had isolated spinal relapse
31 (23.3%) overall relapse rate
Local relapse rate 6.8%
Slide 23
SIOP experience reported on chemotherapy + focal radiotherapy associated with a 10% excess risk of relapse in the ventricular area when compared to craniospinal radiotherapy
US phase II study reported on patients with localized or metastatic germinomas.
Treated with 4 cycles of etoposide and cisplatin,
Local disease treated with focal RT to prechemo volume + 2 cm margin with dose stratification based on response.
All but one remained in complete remission
Phase II study reported by Matsutani et al 84% of patient with localized germinoma’s achieved a CR after induction chemotherapy
All received 24 Gy to a field including the third and lateral ventricles.
12.2% relapse rate at 2.9 years
77% were out of field.
Slide 24
Phase III study comparing radiotherapy alone vs chemotherapy followed by Response-based Radiotherapy for Newly diagnosed primary CNS Germinoma
Local (M0)
Occult multifocal (Modified M+) DI, M0 patients on Regimen B with significant reduction in “normal” pineal gland or pituitary stalk
Disseminated (M+) (Patient MN)
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Regimen A
Standard Radiotherapy
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Regimen B
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
Slide 27
Radiotherapy alone for Germinomas can achieve high long-term rates >90%
Reduction in field size without additional therapy can achieve good local control rates in localized disease
Chemotherapy may be able to help reduce failure rates so patient can receive reduced dose and field radiation.
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