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Alpha Particles




More Old Terms

REM- Roentgen Equivalent Mammal is equal to the absorbed does in RADS multiplied by a quality factor

Quality Factors

Beta = 1

Gamma & X ray photons = 1

Alpha = 10

Neutrons = 20

Slide 37

New Terms sort of

New Terms sort of

International Units have replaced the RAD and REM

GRAY (Gy) = 100 RAD

SIEVERT (Sv) = 100 REM

Same Quality Factors apply to the Sv

Slide 38

Units of Radioactivity

Units of Radioactivity

Curie (Ci) = 2.22 E12 dpm or 3.7E10 dps

Becquerel (Bq) = 1 dps

Maximum Dose/year = 5 REM or 50 mSv

Maximum Dose/year for Declared Pregnant Woman & Minors= 0.5 REM or 5 mSv

Slide 39

Half Life Calculation

Half Life Calculation

Slide 40

Annual Dose Limits

Annual Dose Limits

External/Internal Exposure Limits for Occupationally Exposed Individuals

*Effective dose equivalent

Slide 41

Dose Response Relationships

Dose Response Relationships

0-150 rem—No or minimal symptoms

150-400 rem—Moderate to severe illness

400-800 rem—Severe illness deaths start above 500 rem

Above 800 rem—Fatal

***Acute whole body doses

Slide 42

Your Annual Exposure

Your Annual Exposure

Slide 43

Alpha Particles

Slide 44

Alpha Particles

Slide 45

Estimated Exposure To The National Population

Estimated Exposure To The National Population

Between 320 – 360 mr/yr

Slide 46

Another Look at Sources

Another Look at Sources

Slide 47

Some Exposure Limits

Some Exposure Limits

2 mr/hr Dose rate to public / Federal

500 mr Emergency responder limit / State/BRC

5 r/yr Occupational /Federal

5 r/hr Turn back value / State/BRC

10 r Property / Federal

25 r Life saving / Federal

>25r Volunteers only / Federal

Ref - 10CFR PART 20, EPA 400, FL-SOP

Slide 48



All Radioactive Materials must be secured or under direct supervision at all times

There MUST be someone in the room at all times OR the door must be locked.

Slide 49

Spill Response

Spill Response

On Skin—flush completely

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