( " r0e?0e??Rectangle 2 dc `pP0e?0e?5%?Rectangle 3 0d gInternal review So, for any set of primary colors, if we are given the spectral color matching functions for a set of primary lights We can calculate the amounts of each primary needed to give a perceptual match to any spectral signal. """ 3380 _PPT10.3y`i0wd( NsP?Rectangle 7_ Suppose you use one set of primaries and I use another? We address this in 2 ways: Learn how to translate between primaries Standardize on a few sets of favored primaries. ( " r0e?0e??Rectangle 2 d# qP0e?0e?5%?Rectangle 3 0d 'Suppose you use one set of primaries and I use another? We address this in 2 ways: Learn how to translate between primaries Standardize on a few sets of favored primaries. """ 3380 _PPT10.3y`1wd( D N tP?Rectangle 7_ WHow do you translate colors between different systems of primaries? X( XX " r0e?0e??Rectangle 2 d `sP0e?0e?5%?Rectangle 3 0d WHow do you translate colors between different systems of primaries? X XW """ 3380 _PPT10.3t`2wd1)( P NtP?Rectangle 7_ cSo, how to translate from the color in one set of primaries to that in another: d( dd " r0e?0e??Rectangle 2 d qP0e?0e?5%?Rectangle 3 0d ˟cSo, how to translate from the color in one set of primaries to that in another: d dc """ 3380 _PPT10.3/`3wdkcK( NuP?Rectangle 7_ ^And, by the way, color matching functions translate li