Fraction of the sample that is dimerized has been mapped out through the hysteretic phase transition
2. Cr-doping: NO: the local dimers are destroyed
3. x-ray irradiation: YES: the local dimers survive
98keV x-rays also melt the long range order but the melting is faster than previous reports
Long range order recovers quickly at 100K as previously observed
Total Scattering Approach:
Crystallography – sensitive to long range order dimers
Atomic PDF – sensitive to presence of dimers
Dimer peaks clearly resolved and visible
Slide 43
Simon Billinge
Adam DeConinck
Pavol Juhas
Xiangyun Qiu
(MSU, now at NIH)
Marek Schmidt
(MSU/ISIS, now at Polish Academy of Sciences)
Hyunjeong Kim
Ahmad Masadeh
(MSU, now at University of Jordan)
Gianluca Paglia
(MSU, now in industry, Australia)
Thomas Proffen
(LANSCE, Los Alamos)
John Mitchell
(MSD, Argonne)
Tapan Chatterji
(ILL, Grenoble, FR)
Paolo Radaelli
Peter Chupas, Douglas Robinson
(APS, Argonne)
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, Argonne
Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center
ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
NSF DMR 0304349,
DOE DE-AC02-06CH11375,
DOE DE-AC52-06NA25396,
DOE DE-AC02-98CH10886.
Slide 44
Thank you!