Techniques people use to protect themselves from being hurt.
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – focusing on the positive aspects of human behavior.
He organized human need by priority
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Types of Mental and Emotional Disorders
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Organic disorder – mental and emotional disorders resulting from a physical cause.
Physical illness- brain tumor
injury – blow to the head
chemical imbalance – drugs to destroy brain cells
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Eating Disorders – deep emotional problems related to self – image and self-esteem
Required psychiatric treatment
Increased among teens
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Anxiety disorder – a condition in which fear or anxiety prevents one from enjoying life and completing everyday task.
Most common
Phobias most well know
More women then men
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Dissociative disorder – a condition in which someone’s personality changes to the point that the person believes he or she is someone else
Multiple personality disorder
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Mood Disorder – a condition in which one mood is experienced almost to the exclusion of other feelings
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Personality Disorder – an emotional condition in which a person’s patterns of behavior negatively affects that person’s ability to get along with others.
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Somatoform Disorder – emotional condition in which there are physical symptoms but no identifiable disease or injury, physical symptoms are caused by psychological factors.
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Have prolonged feeling of depression or hopelessness
Feelings that life is out of control
Inability to concentrate or make decisions.
Difficulty getting along with others
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Intense fears
Persistent difficulty sleeping
Emotional problems coping with a physical illness