Slide 9
Slide 10
Speed of light (in vacuum): c = 300,000 km/s
Constancy of the speed
of light: Michelson &
Morley experiment
No signal or object can travel faster than c
[The ultimate speed limit!]
Slide 11
Basic Principles
The speed of light is the same to all observers
The laws of physics are the same to all observers
Observable Consequences
Simultaneity is a relative concept
Length contraction: moving rulers appear to be short
Time dilation: moving clocks appear to run slow
The apparent mass (inertia) of an object increases as its speed increases (impossible to accelerate it up to c)
Equivalence of mass and energy: E = mc2
Special Theory of Relativity (STR)
Slide 12
Special relativistic effects are important when the SPEED of an object is CLOSE TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT: v ≈ c
Slide 13
Simultaneity and time are relative, not absolute
Marion Jones sees A flash before B
Marion Jones sees A and B flash simultaneously
Slide 14
Measuring the length of a moving object: Length Contraction
The apparent (i.e., measured) length of a moving object is shorter than the “true” length (measured when the object is at rest)
Slide 15
Measuring time on a moving clock: Time Dilation
A moving clock runs slower than its counterpart at rest
Stationary Clock
Moving Clock
Slide 16
A Thought Experiment: Length Contraction and an Apparent Paradox The Garage Attendant’s Perspective
Slide 17
Solution: The driver and garage attendant do not agree on the question of whether the two doors were closed simultaneously
A Thought Experiment: Length Contraction and an Apparent Paradox The Driver’s Perspective
Slide 18
The scientist in the laboratory witnesses time dilation,
while the Uranium atoms “witness” length contraction
A Real Laboratory Experiment: Direct Verification of Time Dilation and Length Contraction as Predicted by the Special Theory of Relativity