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Sociology: List of presentations
Presentations about "Sociology"
A New Government
Barack Obama
Christmas around the world
Christmas Celebrations
Christmas Food
Christmas Traditions
Christmas true story
Core democratic values
Crime and Deviance
Criminology - Female Criminality
Culture and Energy Consumption
December Hanukkah
December Kwanzaa
Deviance & Social Control
Family Fluidity
Feminism- Cure or Curse
Film Genres
Folk Devils and Moral Panics
Functionalism and the Roots of Sociology
General Studies Arnolfini
General Studies. What good are the arts
Global Stratification
High Price of Materialism
Hobbes and Engels
Human Rights - Nelson Mandela
Introduction Sociological vs common sense
Introduction to Crime and Deviance
Jeopardy social studies of the US
Lesson on nothing
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Static and Kinetic Friction
Newton’s Law of Gravity
Upcoming Classes
Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions
Madame Marie Curie
Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
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