c. Speed of sound
1) 332 m/s in air at 0 C.
2) Changes by 0.6 m/s for every Celsius degree from 0 C.
3) Subsonic slower
4) Supersonic faster than sound (Mach 1 = speed of sound)
5) Sonic boom (pressure cone)
Slide 24
d. The Doppler effect the change in pitch due to a moving wave source.
1) Objects moving toward you cause a higher pitched sound.
2) Objects moving away cause sound of lower pitch.
3) Used in radar by police and meteorologists and in astronomy.
Slide 25
Slide 26
4. Musical sound
a. Noise has no pattern.
b. Music has a pattern and deliberate pitches.
c. Sound quality describes differences of sounds that have the same pitch and loudness.
d. Every instrument has its own set of overtones.
Slide 27
e) Beats are pulsing variations of loudness caused by interference of sounds of slightly different frequencies.
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5. Uses of sound
a. Acoustics the study of sound.
Soft materials dampen sound; hard materials reflect it (echoes and reverberations).
b. SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging (echolocation).
c. Ultrasound imaging
d. Kidney stones & gallstones.